Rubber single tooth synchronous belt

MXL rubber single tooth synchronous belt

MXL rubber single tooth synchronous belt

Cixi XINLAN Synchronous Belt Co., Ltd.

Production materials: Rubber, glass fiber thread

Processing Equipment: Steam cylinder mould

Delivery cycle: 1~3 days

Application areas: Precision drives, office machines, computers, etc.

Design parameters of MXL rubber single tooth synchronous belt:
The tooth profile is an inch trapezoidal tooth, also known as a square tooth, which belongs to the lightest transmission design.
Standard design reference value: pitch: 2.032mm; tooth height: 0.51mm; belt thickness: 1.14; angle: 40 degrees;
Design points of MXL rubber single-tooth synchronous belt:
1. Trapezoidal tooth form. ?
2. Elastic support and teeth combined with durability and light weight.
3. The nylon face protects and strengthens the tooth surface.
4. Provide the stability and flexibility of the length of the FRP wire.
Advantages of MXL rubber single tooth synchronous belt:
1. The transmission power is up to 0.8 kilowatts, and the rotation speed is up to 20000 speeds.
2. MXL belts allow the use of small pulley diameters (from 6 mm diameter).
3. The largest number of mesh teeth.
4. Use of high stepping motor.
5. Precise positioning.
6. Very stable.
Recognition of MXL rubber single tooth synchronous belt:
Three parts: indicates the length, spacing and width of the belt to bring back the part number.As shown below.
specification Pitch diameter Number of teeth specification Pitch diameter Number of teeth
50MXL 101.60 50 150 MXL 304.80 150
53MXL 107.70 53 151MXL 306.83 151
54MXL 109.73 54 153 MXL 310.90 153
55MXL 111.76 55 155MXL 314.96 155
56MXL 113.79 56 158 MXL 321.06 158
58MXL 117.86 58 160MXL 325.12 160
59MXL 119.89 59 161MXL 327.15 161
60MXL 121.92 60 165MXL 335.28 165
63MXL 128.02 63 170MXL 345.44 170
65MXL 132.08 65 175MXL 355.60 175
66MXL 134.11 66 180MXL 365.76 180
68MXL 138.18 68 190MXL 386.08 190
70MXL 142.24 70 194MXL 394.21 194
71MXL 144.27 71 200MXL 406.40 200
72MXL 146.30 72 210MXL 426.72 210
73 MXL 148.34 73 212 MXL 430.78 212
75MXL 152.40 75 224MXL 445.01 224
76MXL 154.43 76 224 MXL 455.17 224
77 MXL 156.46 77 225 MXL 457.20 225
79MXL 160.53 79 232MXL 471.42 232
80MXL 162.56 80 236 MXL 479.55 236
82MXL 166.62 82 240MXL 487.68 240
83MXL 168.66 83 248MXL 503.94 248
85MXL 172.72 85 250 MXL 508.00 250
87MXL 176.78 87 256 MXL 520.19 256
88MXL 178.82 88 260 MXL 528.32 260
90MXL 182.88 90 265 MXL 538.48 265
92MXL 186.94 92 276 MXL 560.83 276
93MXL 188.98 93 280 MXL 568.96 280
94MXL 191.01 94 285 MXL 579.12 285
95MXL 193.04 95 290 MXL 589.28 290
96MXL 195.07 96 295 MXL 599.44 295
97MXL 197.10 97 300MXL 609.60 300
98MXL 199.14 98 305MXL 619.76 305
100MXL 203.30 100 312MXL 633.98 312
102MXL 207.26 102 318MXL 646.18 318
103MXL 209.30 103 320MXL 650.24 320
104 MXL 211.33 104 323MXL 656.34 323
105MXL 213.36 105 324MXL 658.37 324
106MXL 215.39 106 328MXL 666.50 328
110MXL 223.52 110 333MXL 676.66 333
112MXL 227.58 112 336MXL 682.75 336
114MXL 231.65 114 350 MXL 711.20 350
115MXL 233.68 115 362 MXL 735.58 362
118MXL 239.78 118 365MXL 741.68 365
120MXL 243.84 120 378MXL 768.10 378
122 MXL 247.90 122 400MXL 812.80 400
123MXL 249.94 123 453MXL 920.50 453
125 MXL 254.00 125 473MXL 961.14 473
126 MXL 256.03 126 504MXL 1024.13 504
128 MXL 260.10 128 522MXL 1060.70 522
130MXL 264.16 130 570MXL 1158.24 570
131MXL 266.19 131 600MXL 1219.20 600
132MXL 268.22 132 648MXL 1316.74 648
140MXL 284.48 140 760MXL 1544.32 760
144MXL 292.61 144 1012MXL 2056.38 1012
147 MXL 298.70 147 1060 MXL 2153.92 1060
148MXL 300.74 148 1463MXL 2972.82 1463
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